The Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to encourage the family of Four Mile Church to eat God's word on a more regular basis; to be nourished and fortified. Mile markers help you to know how far you have come and how much further you have to go. God's word is like a mile marker. My prayer is that this simple blogg helps you to partake in God's word and prayer on a more regular basis.

Please share your insights and revelations if you think they may encourage another brother or sister in Christ.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Now, for Something Completely Different!

2 Corinthians 3:16-18

How good is your attention? How easy is it for you to get distracted? Where do you put your time and energy? Are you irritable and annoyed most of the time because life isn't going "as planned"?

I'll let you in on a secret. Life seldom goes as planned.

When Christ said " I came that you might have life and have it abundantly," he meant you would get to expereince it all.

I love this passage because it recognizes that our faces are veiled, and through Christ we are able to see more clearly.

Take time this week to thank God for the blessings in your life; for the freedom you have in Christ, and for the transformation that is happening in and through you.

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