The Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to encourage the family of Four Mile Church to eat God's word on a more regular basis; to be nourished and fortified. Mile markers help you to know how far you have come and how much further you have to go. God's word is like a mile marker. My prayer is that this simple blogg helps you to partake in God's word and prayer on a more regular basis.

Please share your insights and revelations if you think they may encourage another brother or sister in Christ.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Days 19 and 20 - Two Banners

Objective - Deeper knowledge of Christ's ways and a greater desire to be like him, wisdom of the evil one's deceits, and strength to guard against him.

Scripture - 1 Timothy 6:3-21, Philippians 2:1-18, Mark 10:35-45

Response - Begin with a prayer for preparation, asking for guidance by the Spirit. Read 1 Timothy and ask yourself " What in the text helps me to see myself as I really am?" Also, " How does this text call me to deny myself and take up my cross?" Then read Philippians and Mark with the same lenses. If there is a convergence of themes, stay with the one that resonates the strongest and meditate on it. End you time with prayer, giving thanks for the deeper knowledge of his ways, and for understanding the deceits of the enemy, and the strength to guard against them.

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