The Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to encourage the family of Four Mile Church to eat God's word on a more regular basis; to be nourished and fortified. Mile markers help you to know how far you have come and how much further you have to go. God's word is like a mile marker. My prayer is that this simple blogg helps you to partake in God's word and prayer on a more regular basis.

Please share your insights and revelations if you think they may encourage another brother or sister in Christ.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 28 - Sending

Objective - Intimate knowledge of Christ that I might be with Him, become like Him, and live for Him.

Scripture - Matthew 10:1-42

Response - Once again, using what you have learned, meditate on this passage being aware of the insights that Holy Spirit leads you to.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 27 - Calming the Storm

Objective - Knowledge of Christ that i might be with him, become like him, and live for him.

Scripture - Mark 4:35-41

Response - Pray through the passage without direction from Me. Use what you have learned so far to guide you in prayer.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 26 - Three Types of People

Objective - To be free of attachment to anything that would hinder me from fulfilling God's will for my life.

Scriptures - Matthew 21:28-32, 6:2-4, 6:31-34

Response: Read these passages, placing yourself in the midst of each group, contemplating the attachments and how and what God is calling you to separate from. Once God has shown you what you are to detach from your life, let a friend know how and when you plan to make the step towards greater freedom in Christ.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 25 - Kingdom Ethics

Objective - To be with, to be like, and to live for Christ.

Scripture : Matthew 5-7

Response: Using the PAID method read the passage several times, noting the different insights that the Helper is bringing to your attention. Rest with the insight that has the greatest gravitational pull on your spirit. Allow the Helper to guide you in prayer around the insight.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 24 - Called

Objective - To be with Christ, to become like Christ, and to live for Christ.

Scripture - Luke 5:1-11

Response - Begin with a simple prayer " Speak now Lord, for your servant is listening." Focus on Attachment insights in this passage. What calls you to love Christ more. Give thanks for these insights. Conclude your time with the Lord's prayer.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 23 - Review the past 7 days.

Often the Lord has a single message for us during a week. Go back and see what theme emerged this past week and spend some time with it in prayer.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 22 - Wash, Rinse, Repeat

Return to any of the days in the past 3 weeks. Maybe there was one that you felt rushed through, or you missed one. The Choice is yours.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 21 - The Well

Objective - Intimate knowledge of Christ that I might be with Him, become like Him, and to live for Him

Scripture - John 4:4-38

Response - Imagine yourself watching this event. What in the text make you want to attach yourself more to Christ? How does he approach the woman? Ask God to build these qualities into your own life.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Days 19 and 20 - Two Banners

Objective - Deeper knowledge of Christ's ways and a greater desire to be like him, wisdom of the evil one's deceits, and strength to guard against him.

Scripture - 1 Timothy 6:3-21, Philippians 2:1-18, Mark 10:35-45

Response - Begin with a prayer for preparation, asking for guidance by the Spirit. Read 1 Timothy and ask yourself " What in the text helps me to see myself as I really am?" Also, " How does this text call me to deny myself and take up my cross?" Then read Philippians and Mark with the same lenses. If there is a convergence of themes, stay with the one that resonates the strongest and meditate on it. End you time with prayer, giving thanks for the deeper knowledge of his ways, and for understanding the deceits of the enemy, and the strength to guard against them.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 18 - Water to Wine

Objective - Intimate knowledge of Christ that I might be with Him, become like Him, and to live for Him

Scripture - John 2:1-11

Response - Begin with prayer, asking the Spirit to reveal God's truth and glory. Pay attention to specific words or ideas. Savor the one that grabs your attention and consider if it might be a P, A, I, or D. Allow the word to impact you, and then consider why this word or phrase has caught your attention. Give thanks for this word and phrase and for the Holy Spirit revealing it to you. Offer yourself to God in service.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 17 - Recalculating

Dear Friends,
Comcast has been down most of the day and just got back up and running. Let me encourage you to watch the following video. We will pick back up tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 16 - Temptation

Objective - To be with Christ, to become like Christ, and to live for Christ.

Scripture - Matthew 4:1-11

Response - Begin with a prayer for preparation, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you God's truth, and to help you see the nature of God and your own.

Use the PAID exercise to study the passage. what did you find?

Prayer - Order your prayers according to your observations about the texts. Let them set the agenda of your prayer time.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 15 - Baptism

Objective - To gain new insights into Christ so that you might be with him, become more like him, and live for him.

Scripture - Matthew 3:13-17, Read the text twice. Read the text a third time, making the following observations.

1. Is there a universal principle or truth being shared in the text? For example, " For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled. . .' (Luke 14:11). If so, mark that portion with a P.

2. What in this text inspires me to love God more? Mark that port with an A (for Attachment).

3. What in this text helps me to know myself as I really am. Mark that portion with an I ( for Insight).

4. What in the text in calling me to deny myself. Mark that portion with a D (for Deny).

The goal is not to mark every portion with a letter. PAID is not a secret code hidden within every passage. It is a simple tool to help you observe what the Lord is revealing to you in the text. You may only make one or two observations within a the text.

Response: After you have made the insights, give thanks for them and take time to consider why God has revealed these insights to you at this time. You may want to write these in a journal and come back to them throughout the day or before you go to bed. Conclude your time by offering yourself in service for Christ.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 14 - Rewind

Take this day to go back over previous texts that you read this week. Perhaps a distinct word or phrase drew your attention. Take time to meditate on this and ask the Lord to reveal the significance of this portion. This review is meant to be a reflection and savoring of the previous week. Over the next 7 days we will be focusing on the types of insights we're given in scripture.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Days 12 and 13 - In the Temple

Scripture - Luke 2:41-50. Read this passage using your senses. Think about all the feelings his parents are feeling. Place yourself in the Temple. Imagine listening to a 12 year old share such wisdom and asking such insightful questions.

Response- As you read the passage, ask God to connect your heart and mind to his. Take this opportunity to ask God any questions you might have for him. After each question, sit and listen quietly. Record what is laid on your heart.

Intercession- Take time to intercede for others. Take time and ask God whom He is calling you to intercede for. Make a list and keep it accessible.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 11 - Arrival

Objective - Intimate knowledge of Christ; with Him, like Him, for Him.

Scripture - Luke 2:1-10

Response - Read the portion carefully, entering into the narrative as the Spirit leads. Meditate on words and phrases the impress and disturb you. What do you notice about yourself? Give thanks for the God's arrival in your life, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you live for Him today.

D.A. Caron on Biblical Prayer

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 10 - Surprise Guests

Objective - Intimate knowledge of Christ; with Him, like Him, for Him.

Scripture - Luke 1:26-56

Response - Read the passage slowly and try to engage as many of your senses as possible. If you feel you lack a sense of creativity and imagination, imagine a time such as a reunion with an old friend, Christmas morning, or a moment of revelation like learning how to ride a bike or accomplishing a hard task.

Place yourself in Mary's shoes. Think about her reaction, and feelings ( hopes and fears). Where do you find yourself dwelling? Ask God to reveal to you why you are dwelling on this? What message or lesson does God have for you

Give thanks to God that His word is living and active. Give thanks for Mary's obedience, and ask the Lord to help you be faithful like Mary.

Watch this video by Scott McKnight about Mary. I have posted this before, but thought it was pertinent.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 9 - Incarnation

Objective - intimate knowledge of Jesus that I might be with him, become like him, and live for him.

Scripture - John 1:1-18

Response - Read the text out loud giving emphasis to important words and phrases. Meditate on the words you find meaningful, and ask the Lord why these words appear special. Chose the word or phrase that consumes you, and stay with it a while. What emotions, thoughts, or ideas does it stir?

How does this text cause you to love Jesus more fully?

Where in the text were you with Christ? What portion inspired you to be like him? What portion compels you to live for him?

End your time by offering yourself in service to the Lord (Romans 12:1-2)

Watch the following video.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 8 - Most Appealing

Objective - What episode in the life of Christ is the most appealing to you in a manner that evokes within you a strong desire to follow Him.

Scripture - Luke 17 - 19.

Response - Ask the Lord to open your mind and heart as you consider the character qualities of Jesus that you are drawn to.

Read the Gospel of Mark without stopping to interpret. Get a sense of the flow and activities. Only stop when you are captured by a quality of Jesus that impresses you. Then Ask the Holy Spirit for a greater desire to become like Jesus in that regard.

Finish your time by engaging in a few moments of silence, resting in the presence of Christ.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 7 - Rewind

First, Blogger was down for most of the day. I apologize for the late posting.

Today is Monday. You have finished the first week of 8 weeks! Way to go. If you are just joining us, feel free to go back to day one, and get started. The goal is to start and finish. This devotional is sequential, so it’s important to start at the beginning.

Today, go back to the exercise or scripture that was most helpful to you this week. Go to the objective or response where you felt the Holy Spirit ministered to you most deeply. Return there and ask the Holy Spirit to take you to a deeper level.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 6 - Comfort

Objective - Express gratitude and praise to God as you enter into a deeper knowledge of His love and forgiveness.

Scripture - Luke 15:11-32

Response - Read the passage slowly and be aware of the emotions you are feeling. Pause and linger with them before moving ahead. Place yourself in the story as either son, and imagine the dialogue you would have. Rest in the Lord's presence.

Prayer - Over the past 5 days return to the day that impacted you most. Thank God for that understanding about Him, and the revelation you had about yourself. Do not be afraid of emotions such as crying, or anger. Ask the Lord to reveal the source of those emotions. If the emotions are one of comfort, peace, and joy; give thanks for them.

Watch: Give Me Jesus

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 5 - Self Examination

Objective - To see myself as God sees me that I might overcome my sinful tendencies through His grace.

Scriptures - 1 John 1:8-9, Romans 2:1-4

Reflection - Read the passages above carefully. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your sins and then repent of them. Make restitution if appropriate. Receive God's grace and forgiveness and rest in it. Try not to rationalize it away.

Prayer - Surrender yourself fully to God. Surrender yourself to God's authority and to the power of His Spirit.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 4 - Freedom to . . .

Objective - We often think of being free from something, but in our relationship to God we are free to pursue God. Yes, we are free from the bondage of sin, but it's freedom to pursue relationship. The objective of our faith is to dedire freedom in relation to everything except God.

Consideration- All things are good for thier purposes, but they can be misused. Consider what a more symplified life might look like. Ask yourself, " What am I consumed by?"

Scripture - Read Phillipians 2:3-11.

Prayer - Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the attachments in your life that consume you and keep you from spiritual freedom.

Response - What do you need to do to break free from the attachment? What help do you need? Who can help you? What is your next step?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 3 - Blessings

Objective - Give God thanks for the blessings in your life and recognize that they have been given to help you fulfill your basic desire.

Scripture - Read Psalm 103, Romans 12:1-2, Mark 12:13-17

Response - Ask God to show you the relationship between your gifts and the ways they might be used to fulfill your basic desire. Then consider how you have used these gifts thus far? Have you been a good steward of them? Ask God to help you appropriate the promises of grace in Psalm 103. Thank God for any understanding you may have recieved.

P.S. If you are just joining us today and getting started, great. Don't feel like you have to do all the past devotions in one day to catch up. This is not a race. Go at your own pace.

Day Two - Get Movitvated

Objective Decide on a word or a phrase that best moves you toward fulfilling your basic desire. The goal is not to create your own agenda but to move you in the direction of God's will that fits who He created you to be. While this exercise is about you. Its more about who you are in God.

Question What phrase,statement, or image can you use to guide you in the direction you want your life to take? (For example: "Faith like an anchor," "All things are possible with God," "No Fear."

Scripture Read 1 John 3:16-24; 4:7-21

Response What images or statements came to mind while reading these passages? Do they move you towards your basic disire? If music helps you to pray or listen to God let me suggest that you watch either Maker of the Universe or The Reunion by Phil Keaggy.

Prayer Sit quietly, and ask the Lord if your basic desire and motivating statement reflect His character and will. Give thanks for God's clarity.

Once you define your basic desire and motivating statement, share them with someone close to you or if you feel lead, share them here. Don't worry about trying to be original. Let God guide you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 1 - "Your Basic Desire"

Tools: Bible, pen, notebook or pad.

Goal - Determine what you would like to be at the center of your being ( for example: "To be a fully devoted disciple" "Holiness" "To live out the Great Commission every day"). Keep it concise.

Question: What do you consider to be the goal of your life?

Scripture: Read Psalm 139 thoughtfully, looking for ways this passage might help you determine your basic desire. Then read John 15:1-17.

Response: Ask the Lord to help you determine your basic desire and to confirm it. Ask God to help you increase your self-understanding.

Prayer Take a few moments to thank the Lord for guiding you through these passages and for helping you determine your basic desire. Ask the Lord to help you understand yourself better.

Sharing: If you feel bold enough, share with us what God has laid on your heart as your basic desire.

FYI - This devotional is inspired by the book Developing Intimacy with God by Alex Aronis, a former pastor of mine. While we will not be going as in depth as the book, we will be using it's basic structure. Thank you Alex for your influence in my life and for this book.