2 Corinthians 4:3-5
2 Peter 1:5-9
Luke 6:41-42
Colossians 2:16-18 We seem to be assaulted from both sides. We are judged by our spiritual kin and by those outside the church. We are either being told how to worship better or not at all. Paul warns us against such people who are trying to use their experience for the sake of power and manipulation. What they may do and say may have the appearance of wisdom, but is it rooted in Christ?
1 Corinthians 13:11-12 How do we determine when we have passed from adolesence to spiritual adulthood? Is it by the number of verses we have picked up, or by the number of sins we have laid down? Scripture tells us that if we are to boast in anything, it's in our knowledge and understanding of God. Paul knows that his knowledge is limited, it is partial, but he is not partially known. He is fully known. Give thanks for being fully known and fully loved.
Saturday and Sunday
Hebrews 12:1-3
We are in constant pursuit of better image quality. We now have the ability to produce images clearer than what our eye can receive and our brain is able to comprehend. Yet, we still feel in the dark most of the time. In my own life I can easily get obsessed about knowing how everything is going to play out. I like to be able to see all the possibilities. I like to be in control. God reminds me that I am not, try though as I may.
The passages assigned address your ability to see spiritually; what helps, what hinders, and how to gain better perspective.
This Week.
Read the passages for each day in addition to the passages assigned previously. For example, on Tuesday you will read the passages for both Monday and Tuesday, and by Sunday you will be reading all the passages.
Note how the passages improve your vision or understanding of yourself and of God.
Lord, I give thanks for this day. Forgive me for my lack of sight. Forgive my lack of faith. Reveal to me my sin, and your grace. Reveal to me the dept of your grace. Help me to live by your Spirit and in your truth. Amen
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